Bulk Golden Raisins

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Ingredients: Raisins, Sulfur Dioxide, And Vegetable Oil.

Raisins are the most popular addition to bakeries’ bread and desserts. The two most common varieties are yellow and black. We sell both, but these bulk golden raisins are plump, sweet, and chewy. The yellow color comes from sulfur dioxide and vegetable oil. These two ingredients are particularly important in keeping the golden raisins taste fresh for so long.

Grapes start as mostly water, with about 78%. After drying them into raisins, the water content reduces to about 15%. Making one pound of raisins requires about five pounds of grapes.

What Are Raisins?

Raisins, or dried grapes, have been a part of human history for thousands of years. According to most accounts, raisins were discovered as far back as 2000 CE in Persia and Egypt. Initially, they were found accidentally when farmers checked in on their grape crops. They found the grapes dried and still clinging to grapevines, and they became our very loved golden raisins today.

Our Golden Raisins come from California. All raisins come from grapes. Grapes are as old as written history. The first Franciscan Friars in the New World are credited with bringing of grapes through Mexico and into the California territory.

Our bulk golden raisins are a symbol of the quality that we provide.

  • Our bulk Golden Raisins are fantastic when added to baked goods or your morning oatmeal.
  • They also excel as a sweet and fibrous snack all on their own. Often referred to as “nature’s candy,” Golden Raisins are a satisfying, pragmatic snack at any time of the day.
  • Also, raisins are sweet and nutritious; you can mix them into cakes, cookies, or bread.

How Long Will It Take To Get You These Raisins

We can pack and ship as many of these bulk golden raisins as you want, from 10 pounds to 10,000 pounds or more. If the price is right, we can send you fresh pallets of raisins.

We work with some of America’s best and biggest grape harvesters and processors. When you order, some of these companies could include:

Storing Raisins

Golden Raisins will remain fresh in your refrigerator or pantry for six to twelve months. We recommend refrigerating open packages. Keep them out of humid and hot environments if you want them to last. However, if you freeze them, our wholesale golden raisins will last up to eighteen months.

Nutrients Rich With Goodness

Golden Raisins are hailed for their nutritional content. They contain a higher concentration of antioxidant flavonoids (the pigments that give plants their color) than their darker counterparts. The raisins have several beneficial qualities to your health.

Golden Raisins are also rich in catechins, an antioxidant flavonoid that may improve brain functioning. Theories also suggest that they aid in fat oxidation. Our wholesale golden raisins also provide essential nutrients, including calcium, potassium, iron, and some B vitamins. They are easy to digest and contain dietary fiber.

We also have our bulk black raisins if you are looking for them.

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Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions 6 × 8 × 12 in

10 Lbs, 25 Lbs