About Matthew Baron And The Mission Of Wholesale Nuts And Dried Fruit


Selling wholesale amounts of nuts, fruit, and seeds. Fresh and direct from farmers and processors to your kitchen using sustainable packaging.


A world where people eat healthy foods sent to them in minimal packaging.


Wholesale Nuts and Dried Fruit was founded in 2016. In that year, I noticed a big change in how I felt after having sugar and found answers when I was diagnosed with Diabetes. I had done food advertising for 20 years and worked for some companies that negatively impacted my health. In the face of being diagnosed with diabetes, I realized I had to start a healthy food business with raw ingredients. I knew this because I felt better when I ate my products.

Also, important in developing and running my company is packaging nuts, fruit, and seeds responsibly. You will love the freshness when you receive our products in the mail.


Matthew Baron has been working with advertising and marketing since 1995. Working at the advertising agencies Mad Dogs And Englishmen and The Food Group. Producing advertising for the US Army, BMW, and Petsmart. Worked as an Assistant on the movies Man On Fire, The Pirates Of The Caribbean, Bad Boys 2, Kingdom Of Heaven, National Treasure, Punctionality, and Not For Nothing.

Previous online businesses include TheWoofer.com, ChurrascoShop.com, EpicToys.com, and PhiladelphiaRestaurantCleaning.com.

Your purchase is an investment in the future:

  • We use less packaging to sell in bulk.
  • We support farms.
  • You will save money.