6 More Reasons For Adding More Mixed Nuts To Your Diet

Our intention is not to ‘go crazy’ over adding more mixed nuts. Rather, to spread the good news about the health benefits of nuts over bread and meats.

According to a recent Huffington Post UK article, there are 6 more medically sound reasons you should be incorporating nuts into your diet.

Adding more mixed nuts to your diet

We’ve summarized all 6 reasons for adding more mixed nuts:

  1. A Harvard University Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology, Dr. Frank Hu, reports that recent studies found daily nut-eaters were less likely to die of cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disease.
  2. Dr. Emilio Ros, Director of the Lipid Clinic, Endocrinology & Nutrition Service at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, reports that recent research shows daily walnut consumption is good for blood cholesterol levels and it will not make you gain weight.

    Nuts have a very ‘sane’ nutritional profile

  3. High in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Both are good sources of vegetable proteins. These acids also contain substantial amounts of dietary fiber. They contain minerals such as magnesium and potassium. There are small amounts of vitamins including folate and vitamin E, and bioactive compounds such as phytosterols, tocopherols, and polyphenols.
  4. In many regards, a happy gut equals a happy life. Dr. Bobbi Langkamp-Henken, a professor at the University of Florida, co-authored a study that found that eating just a handful of almonds positively impacted healthy intestinal bacteria, such as lactic acid and bifidobacteria. Both of these are thought to help maintain a strong intestinal barrier. The result of keeping out pathogenic bacteria is the creation of an inflammatory state leading to diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Additionally, Huffington Post mentions a study in the journal, Anaerobe. This study was looking at volunteers who ate almonds or almond skins for six weeks. This study found that consumption increased good microbes in the gut without boosting the activity of bad microbes.

    Studies Of Eating Nuts And Decreased Cancer Risk

  5. The Harvard School of Public Health linked regular consumption of nuts to decreased chances of pancreatic cancer. Huffington Post also reports, “Researchers sampled data of more than 75,000 women from the Nurses’ Health Study – a long-running investigation into the health of thousands of female nurses in the USA – and analyzed the link between pancreatic cancer and nut consumption. The findings revealed that women who ate a handful of nuts two or more times per week had a 35% lower pancreatic cancer risk, compared to those who did not eat them.”
  6. Last but certainly not least when adding more mixed nuts, patients saw a link to weight loss. Results of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that eating nuts regularly reduces weight gain. Rather, it is linked with years of study on weight control in adults.

Ready to officially become a health NUT?! Shop for a variety of nuts in bulk here

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