What Types of Foods To Alleviate Seasonal Allergies?

Allergic rhinitis is the scientific name for seasonal allergies. As a sufferer of seasonal allergies tailoring a diet to keep me off antihistamines. Specifically, I don’t want to take Allegra, Claritin, Benadryl, or Zyrtec. On the negative side, they make me sleepy, or my stomach twists. Undeniably, they are all junk as a long-term solution. Professionals have told me that long-term use can harm your organs and blood pressure. I can’t go for any of those chemicals. Particularly, I want to be able to control my body through natural cures and good-quality food.

What types of foods have natural antihistamines?


Quercetin is an antioxidant that the world knows as a bioflavonoid. Many consider this group of natural elements to be non-traditional antioxidants or antihistamines. They more accurately clean out the system of impurities, creating an antioxidant capacity in the blood. Quercetin is an element of green, leafy vegetables, dark red or blue fruits, tomatoes, red onion, capers, and red wine (See Nutritional Benefits of Apples). Significantly, you can find it as a supplement.

Linked here is a Japanese study that found that Quercetin reduced allergy symptoms. As a result of their research, they found that this element reduced itchiness and runny noses.


Bromelain has a mixture of different digestive enzymes found in pineapples. Specifically, it is an element absorbed quickly by the body and has anti-inflammatory properties. Bromelain has uses in the recovery from things like sinus infections.

Vitamin C

There will always be a lot of press around Vitamin C. In fact, many of us learn about the good qualities of Vitamin C over and over. However, it is a natural antihistamine. Found in every citrus fruit, including apples, raisins, mango, and many more. Two doctors have prescribed it to me over the past two years. Surprisingly to most, you can find Vitamin C in leafy greens, broccoli, and even potatoes.

Look Out For These Foods To Alleviate Seasonal Allergies

In conclusion, professional healers use many natural remedies to reduce specific allergies. These include elderberry and stinging nettle extract. Turmeric is another natural cure that professionals recommend to alleviate allergies. In conclusion, combining these foods to help seasonal allergies can reduce or stop your dependency on pharmacy buys.

There is a movement to “shop local”, which has ties to eating seasonal foods grown close to you to alleviate seasonal allergies. Many believe that eating foreign-grown foods confuses our body’s histamine response. Together with this movement are the roots of the trend of supporting local farmers just to get foods to alleviate seasonal allergies. To make people healthier while enhancing the local economy. Correspondingly, I will give it a shot if it can help me stay healthy. As a result, keep an eye out for new local cures and spread the word.

Foods to alleviate seasonal allergies

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