The Ultimate Seed Guide: How to Boost Your Diet with Super Seeds

We have entered the era of super seeds as part of a common diet. Currently, you can find flax seeds in small markets and supermarkets everywhere. Over the past year, chia seeds have been in many new products. Popular in juice drinks and gluten-free flours. Quinoa was considered new and exciting in the 90’s and is now common in America. All of these are known as super seeds.

The increase in the popularity of super seeds like hemp and amaranth can be found on supermarket product shelves. They market all the super seeds as helpers for you to feel healthier and re-energized. Prized for getting customers away from over-processed food addiction.

Nutritional Benefits Of Super Seeds

Our bodies need a range of nutrients to thrive. Luckily, super seeds provide a rich nutritional profile that can translate into vibrant health. Super seeds are wonderful sources of plant protein, which is crucial to cell health throughout the body and helps build strong muscles. Because these powerful little seeds come from plants, all of them are cholesterol-free and low in saturated fat, unlike animal-based protein sources, which have been linked to heart disease and other ailments.

Super seeds make their nutrition available to almost everyone, including people on a restricted diet. And, because they are all naturally gluten-free, super seeds are not likely to cause allergic reactions.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and snack recipes make adding chia, quinoa, flax, hemp, and amaranth to every meal easy. This powerful quintet delivers protein, fiber, amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, and a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. If you care about getting healthy—and staying healthy-you’ll want each of these seeds in your diet. And for those of you (like me) who love to know about the science and research that supports every health claim, you’ll be happy to know that there is plenty of evidence to support each of the six super seed’s health benefits.

Bulk Chia Seeds


Chia, or Salvia Hispanica, is a member of the mint family. Historically, it was grown and consumed in Mexico, where it fueled the Aztec Empire for centuries. The powerful nutrition provided by the tiny seed (protein, minerals, and fiber) supplied long-distance runners and warriors with a superb, long-lasting source of fuel, and today it remains a reliable source of

The nine essential amino acids in chia make it a high-quality source of protein. One ounce (a little less than 2 tablespoons) of chia delivers a whopping 11 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein. It’s the dietary fiber in chia that helps make it so filling. Many people are turning to chia to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. The fiber in chia seeds keeps you feeling full and allows for a slower breakdown and absorption of food. Chia also can contribute to strong bones with healthy doses of calcium, phosphorus, and manganese.

Bulk Quinoa Seeds



Amaranth and quinoa porridge are wonderful first solids for babies because they are not likely to cause an allergic reaction, they cook up smooth and are easy to sweeten naturally. Try mixing in a mashed banana or sweet potato.

There’s a reason this South American seed is at the top of so many superfood lists. One cup of cooked quinoa has 8 grams of complete protein and 5 grams of dietary fiber. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Essential amino acids are the amino acids that must come from our food since our bodies are unable to produce them. Quinoa is rich in several of these essential amino acids, making it an excellent source of plant-based protein. Since quinoa is cholesterol-free and also full of fiber, it is a healthy alternative to animal-based sources of protein, including meat and cows’ milk. In addition, quinoa contains more than 10 percent of the dietary recommended daily allowance for a wide range of vitamins that includes thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and folate, and it is packed with minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, and manganese.

Bulk Flax Seeds On A Spoon


Ground flaxseed is an excellent source of fiber (each tablespoon contains about 8 grams) as well as a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, copper, thiamin, and manganese. Also, since flax can be used to take the place of eggs, it is particularly helpful to folks who need to watch their intake of dietary cholesterol. Specifically, all six super seeds are cholesterol-free. Whole flaxseed is encased in a very tough exterior, however, making it indigestible unless it is ground. Because it can pass through the digestive system intact, however, some people use whole flaxseed as a laxative. In addition, flax— and hemp seed, as well—is a very good source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, which play a role in protecting against inflammation and high blood pressure.

The nutrients in flaxseed aren’t accessible in their whole form, but if you grind the seed into meal, you’ll get all the benefits-protein, fiber, and minerals. If you don’t want to bother with grinding your own meal, no worries: You can easily purchase ground or milled flax at your local health food store and many mainstream grocery stores. Once you buy it, make sure it is tightly sealed and keep it in the freezer to keep it from turning.

Bulk Hulled Hemp Seeds


Hemp seed is loaded with protein. Just one ounce (3 tablespoons) of shelled hemp seeds contains more than 10 grams of protein. You can eat either whole hemp seed or shelled hemp seed. I prefer shelled, or hulled, hemp seeds (also called hemp hearts) because they are easier to eat. (Although the hull also contains nutrients, it is fibrous, crunchy, and a bit hard to chew.) Hemp seeds taste nutty and have a nutty texture, and since they are seeds, they are a great alternative to nuts for people who are nut allergic. Not only are hemp seeds loaded with protein 2 tablespoons have 10 grams of protein) they are also a good source of other important nutrients including iron, magnesium, and zinc, all of which are crucial minerals for good health.

Although hemp seeds are related to marijuana, they are not considered a drug because hemp seeds, and foods made from hemp, contain at most miniscule amounts of THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana.

Bulk Sesame Seeds


This seed truly is the king of all seeds when it comes to protein. One cup of cooked amaranth contains more than 9 grams of protein. Unlike a lot of other plant-based proteins, amaranth contains all the amino acids. Simply, the the building blocks of protein that we need to make a complete protein. Amaranth is also a good source of fiber (5.2 grams per cup), unlike animal proteins. When you consider the vitamins and minerals packed into this grain-like seed, you can’t help but be wowed. One cup of cooked amaranth contains more than 10 percent of the RDA (recommended daily allowance) of vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, and selenium. It is a fantastic source of magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese. Amaranth is gluten-free.

Amaranth was a thriving crop and a staple of the Aztec diet hundreds of years ago. Still, when the Spaniards brought Catholicism to Mexico, it was banned because Aztec people used it (along with human blood) in the sacrifices they made to their Gods.

Because of amaranth’s impressive nutritional profile-it’s a rich source of high-quality protein, amino acids, iron, potassium, calcium, and manganese-efforts by the nonprofit group Mexico Tierra de Amaranto are now underway to bring this super seed back into gardens and kitchens, and onto dinner plates once again. The group also focuses on improving working conditions for rural Mexican farmers through amaranth cultivation.

Wholesale Pumpkin Seeds


Pumpkin seeds are a veritable cornucopia of nutrients. Each seed is a mini-trove of magnesium, known for its role in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body – from nerve function to blood pressure regulation. Zinc makes a star appearance as well, fortifying the immune system and skin health, while antioxidants in pumpkin seeds play the guardians, warding off the oxidative stress that ages us prematurely.

Pumpkin Seeds In A Wooden Spoon

Let’s not forget the protein. For plant-based eaters and meat-eaters alike, the protein content in pumpkin seeds is a welcome addition to any diet. And, with their abundance of fiber, they’re a gastrointestinal symphony, tuning the body’s digestive harmony.

Vitamins, Minerals, And Other Important Chemical  Elements

  • VITAMIN B6: B6 is necessary for more than 100 enzyme reactions and is involved in metabolism, brain development, and immune function.
  • FOLATE: A form of vitamin B, Folate is necessary for cell division and DNA synthesis.
  • CALCIUM: Calcium contributes to strong bones, helps muscles move, sends messages through the nerves, and helps blood circulation.
  • ZINC: Zinc helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses; it also helps heal wounds.
  • COPPER: Copper helps form strong and flexible connective tissue. It also plays a critical role in cellular energy production.
  • SELENIUM: Selenium is important for reproduction (a deficit may contribute to male infertility), thyroid function, and protecting the body from infection.
  • MAGNESIUM: Magnesium contributes to bone formation.
  • PHOSPHORUS: Phosphorus is important for bone health, DNA and RNA formation, and oxygen delivery to body tissues.
  • MANGANESE Manganese is a component of many essential enzymes that work with bone development, metabolism, and wound healing.
  • THIAMINE: Also known as vitamin B, thiamine helps our bodies convert carbohydrates into fuel. It also contributes to a strong immune system.
  • IRON: Iron is essential for a healthy body. It helps metabolize protein and contributes to healthy blood.

Relief From Medical Conditions With Super Seeds

In the tapestry of modern health, seeds play a pivotal role, often providing relief and support for various medical conditions. Let’s unravel this yarn and see how the smallest of seeds can make the grandest of impacts on our well-being.

Your Healthy Heart On Seeds

Heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women in the United States. Fortunately, lifestyle choices go a long way to help prevent and treat heart disease. You can keep yourself heart-healthy by eating foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Research has shown that the omega-3 fatty acid in chia seeds prevents high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. They also help lower existing high blood pressure, while reducing total LDL and triglyceride cholesterol. Great for healthy individuals and those diagnosed with cardiovascular disease.

Flax is another rich plant source of omega-3 fatty acids. Making it a wonderful superfood for those who are looking to improve cardiovascular health. A review of nine clinical trials suggests that 15-50 grams of flaxseed—either whole or ground—can reduce total LDL cholesterol by 1.6 to 18% in individuals with normal and elevated cholesterol levels.

Quinoa, hemp, and amaranth are no cardiovascular slackers, either. Studies on each of these have found that the oils and fiber in these seeds help lower triglyceride levels. Simultaneously, reducing the inflammation in the vessels that contributes to cardiovascular disease. This alone is a good reason to have one or more daily servings of these seeds.

Cancer-Fighting With Diet

In 2012, 8.2 million people, out of an estimated 14 million people who had cancer, died from the disease. Just as depressing, the World Health Organization predicts that by 2032, new cancer cases will hover around 22 million a year, with 13 million individuals dying of cancer from the disease every year.

The high levels of phytonutrients— such as antioxidants—in chia, quinoa, flax, hemp, and amaranth, help prevent and fight cancer. Antioxidants are chemicals that block the activity of other chemicals known as free radicals. They are highly reactive and have the potential to cause damage to cells that may lead to cancer.

Medical marijuana that comes from hemp will lessen symptoms of cancer. Hemp is a non-narcotic plant related to marijuana. It contains cannabinoids, a family of potent antitumor agents. No fewer than 12 studies by researchers throughout North America and Europe have found that the cannabinoids in hemp help prevent a wide range of cancers and shrink cancerous tumors.

If cancer prevention is a priority, you might want to consider eating at least one serving of hemp daily. The internet has plenty of tempting recipes that will help make healthy dietary adjustments both easy and delicious.

Easing Hot Flash Symptoms

For many women, hot flashes are an uncomfortable part of life. Once upon a time, many MDs prescribed estrogen replacement therapy to lessen hot flashes.

Recent research has found that women who take estrogen replacement therapy are at greater risk of stroke, heart disease, blood clots, and various cancers. Looking for a safer alternative, some women have turned to flaxseed, a plant estrogen. A 2007 Mayo Clinic study backs up the efficiency of flax in relieving hot flashes: 21 women who consumed 40 grams of ground flaxseed a day experienced significant decreases in the frequency and severity of their hot flashes.

The women’s hot flashes were scored over six weeks. Women who consumed flax seed showed a 50% decrease in the frequency of hot flashes. Also, a 57% decrease in their “flash score” overall. Resulting in major improvements in the customers’ quality of life.

Brain Boosters

Super seeds including chia, flax, and hemp give people the ability to stabilize their mood and focus their attention. Omega-3 fatty acids are known as brain boosters because they are highly concentrated in the brain. It appears to be important for memory and mood. Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include fatigue, poor memory, mood swings, and depression.

Digestive System Healing

Quinoa, flax, hemp, and amaranth are rich in insoluble fiber, the digestion-helping, bulk-forming, gut-healthy fiber. Unlike soft, gel-like soluble fiber, insoluble fiber does not dissolve or become soft in water. So, it passes through the gastrointestinal tract relatively intact. Brushing against the wall of your large intestine and scrubbing it clean. It speeds the passage of food and waste through your gut.

Busting Diabetes

According to the International Diabetes Federation, there are approximately 382 million people who are currently living with diabetes. Reliance on simple carbohydrates, such as bread and sugar, has been the cause of the soaring number of diabetes cases.

A large number of studies performed by researchers internationally have found that high-fiber, nutrient-dense foods help to prevent diabetes. Additionally, super seeds are a balm for glycemic issues in the body. With the potential to mitigate the severity of blood sugar conditions or even vanquish them. The fiber in chia, quinoa, flax, hemp, and amaranth works to regulate and even lower glucose levels in the blood.

Help With Steady Weight Loss

Seeds give you the feeling of satiety when you eat. They keep you from snacking a couple of hours later. Soluble fiber provides that feeling in a big way. Chia is one of the best sources of soluble fiber. Stir a tablespoon of chia in a glass of water and wait. You’ll see the seeds swell, soften, and float like puffy poppy seeds.

The best gateway to enjoy the enormous health benefits of chia, quinoa, flax, hemp, and amaranth is to dive smoothies. There is no lack of recipes online for smoothies. I have no doubt you’ll find more than a few new favorites.

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