Wholesale Nuts And Dried Fruit Has Been Added As A New Member Of The Organic Trade Association

The Organic Trade Organization has made us members. Wholesale Nuts And Dried Fruit is now a member and we intend to meet existing members and find out more about what is happening in the industry. The primary goal of the OTA is to work on advocacy. In short, to discover how the laws and guidelines can be changed to help the members. Second, to educe the members. Those members could be for-profit or non-profit American companies. Finally, to run events for members. The Natural Products Expo was my favorite convention in 2018 and I look forward to being there again as a member this year.


The History Of The Organic Trade Organization

The Organic Trade Organization started in 1985. They are a membership-based business association for organic agriculture and products in North America. When you go to one of their events, you will meet workers at businesses in all parts of the food chain. Its members include growers, shippers, processors, certifiers, farmers’ associations, distributors, importers, exporters, consultants, retailers, and others.

OTA’s membership of organic businesses works together through networking, advocacy, and other initiatives. The goal is to encourage my fellow businesses and protect organic farming. They share a positive message about the environment which is welcome in the media. They work to promote healthy nutrition from the members’ organic products to consumers, the media, and policymakers. 

What I Want From Joining The OTA

Since I sell food online but want to sell organic food online, my goal is to meet other Organic Trade Association members doing the same. When deciding if I wanted to become a member, I looked for other similar companies. Other businesses that we work with and respect are on their Organic Trade Member List. There is a member company named Andalusia Nuts that I am sure I could learn a great deal about. Then there is Fine Dried Fruits International, they are a worker-first business operating on the West Coast. We sell some of the same dried fruits and I am sure that I could learn more about the products that I sell from speaking with them.

When you are looking for good content for your customers there is no substitute for a good conference. Together with the Organic Trade Association, I intend to get into many more events. I make sure to head to any conference that will give me access to hear about issues affecting my products. I go to events with the farmers growing hazelnuts in order to learn about new technology and organic methods. On trend to what is happening now, going to an event to learn what the new initiatives the Head of the FDA, Doctor Norman Sharpless, is moving forward for our industry. Or just getting an update on international cashew production in 2020.

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