List Of Low Sugar Fruits

Dried fruits are our most popular selling item. We sell them at Farmer’s Markets all over New Jersey. Now that we have taken to the Internet, we get the question of sugar content in dried fruit almost every day. Eating low-sugar fruits is associated with improved health. It also provides many of the essential minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, and fiber that you need every day. Dried fruit doesn’t spoil as quickly and is an easy snack to pack. Especially for a long day at work or a long, trip into nature.

Dried Fruit Sugar Content, low sugar fruits

Dried fruits are higher in calories because they are more concentrated once the water has been removed. If you were to weigh dried fruit and fresh fruit together, then you’ll have fewer calories than the dehydrated version. One hundred grams of fresh plums contain only 46 calories, whereas 100 grams of prunes (dried plums) have 240 calories. It is also important to note that some vitamins are lost during the drying process. For the same fresh plums, you are eating 16% of your daily needs for vitamin C, but when dried, you are getting only 1%.

Note that a single serving of fresh fruit is 1 cup. When the fruit has been dehydrated, a single serving is only one half of a cup. This is why customers are heading to the internet to learn about low-sugar fruits and how to keep their blood sugar down.

Often dried fruits have additional sugar added to enhance the flavor and draw the water from the microbial cells. The purpose is to protect the fruit from spoilage. We try and answer those questions about added sugar in the New Jersey farmer’s markets and the product descriptions online. While some dried fruits will be hard to find without added sugar, Cranberries, pineapple, and bananas are an example of fruits that commonly have sugar added. Another common ingredient that is added to fruit is sulfur dioxide. We sell both apricots with the sulfur dioxide added and without.

Below is a list of low-sugar fruits with their weights and calorie counts:

1. Peaches
½ cup serving: 191 calories, 6.5 grams of fiber

Peaches may not be as common as other dried fruits like apricots but are also a nutritious choice. They contain 34% of your daily vitamin A needs and 18% of iron recommendations. On top, they are also a good source of potassium, niacin, and copper.

2. Apples –  Sold as Bulk Apple Rings
½ cup serving: 104 calories, 3.5 grams of fiber

Although maybe not as nutrition-packed as some other dried fruits, a serving is often lower in calories than many other choices if you are looking for low-sugar fruits. Learn more about the nutritional benefits of apples.

3. Lychees
½ cup serving: 221 calories, 4 grams of fiber

Naturally, they often sell these delicious fruits frozen or canned. However, if you can find them dried they can be a great addition to your diet. One serving provides an amazing 244% of your daily needs for vitamin C! Additionally, it has 3.2 grams of protein and good source of riboflavin.

4. Apricots – Sold as Bulk Apricots
½ cup serving: 156 calories, 4.5 grams of fiber

Apricots have 47% of your daily vitamin A needs in a single serving and are a good source of potassium, vitamin E, and copper!

5. Prunes – Sold as Bulk Prunes
½ cup serving: 223 calories, 0 grams of fiber

Although lacking in insoluble fiber, experts link Prune with providing a laxative effect. Additionally, in a single serving, there are 2.5 grams of protein and 13% of your daily iron requirements.

6. Figs – Sold as Bulk Turkish Figs or sold as Bulk California Figs
½ cup serving: 185 calories, 7.5 grams of fiber

Experts also associate Figs with a laxative effect. Additionally, they are a good source of important minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and manganese.

7. Cranberries sweetened – Sold as Bulk Dried Cranberries
½ cup serving: 185 calories, 3 grams of fiber

It is almost impossible to find unsweetened dried cranberries, but inappropriate servings are still a healthy choice! The dark color of foods, including cranberries, are rich in phytonutrients. Read more about the nutritional benefits of cranberries.

8. Currants
½ cup serving: 204 calories, 5 grams of fiber

Currants have 3 grams of protein per serving, 13% of daily iron, and 18% of the average person’s daily needs for potassium.

9. Raisins – Sold as Bulk Raisins
½ cup serving: 217 calories, 2.5 grams of fiber

Raisins are often sold in miniature box servings to be packed in lunches. However, raisins are also good to have around the house to cook with and like other dried fruits are fun to add to porridge. One serving has 2 grams of protein and is a good source of many minerals like potassium and manganese. They are predominantly farmed in California.

10. Pears
½ cup serving: 236 calories, 7 grams of fiber

Dried pears are still a good source of vitamin C, iron, vitamin K and copper. Try adding it as a salad topper!

11. Tomatoes
½ cup serving: 69 calories, 3.5 grams of fiber

Often added as a topping to pizzas, salads, and other savory recipes, dried tomatoes are a nutritious choice. One serving is a good way to add iron, vitamin C, niacin, potassium, magnesium, and manganese to your meal!

12. Jujube
½ cup serving: 229 calories, 0 grams of fiber

Although a more uncommon fruit, jujubes can be a fun new food to try. They are still a good source of vitamin C and riboflavin!

Fit Day was able to give us this research on these low-sugar fruits. They are a great source of data on fruits and vegetables.