What Fruits Are Good In The Fall

Autumn is finally here. The Fall Equinox is September 22. Soon, the leaves will start turning, and the wind will bring a chill. With the change in weather also comes a change in diet preferences for many. Fall’s harvest is getting ready to provide for those traditional American flavors.

The shelves will begin to fill with pumpkin and apple-flavored goodies. Pumpkin spice lattes will dominate the mornings, while warm apple ciders will wind down the days. No longer do we get to taste fresh pineapples and berries. Fall brings with it a lust for richer products.

What Fruits Are Good In The Fall:

When you think of the Thanksgiving dinner table, you think of the fruits, cranberries, and apples. You think of cranberries in the stuffing. Then there is the block of cranberry sauce. Sometimes from a can and, if lucky, made from scratch. Then there is apple pie. A staple of every single Thanksgiving that I have ever been to. We sell both dried apples and dried cranberries in bulk during this season. (see nutritional benefits of cranberries and apples here.)

What Vegetables Are Good In The Fall:

The best vegetable of the season is beets. They are usually tough and flavorless during the rest of the year. The Fall is their time to shine. They become soft and deep with flavor in the Fall.

Then there are pumpkins. Pumpkin pie is the best. As for the pies, pumpkins and apples reign supreme during this season. Other fall favorites include sweet potatoes and winter squash. Not only are all of these vegetables great for snacking, but you can also find most of these in baked goods. Pie seems like the best example where deserts that use vegetables and fruits are good in the Fall.

With temperatures cooling off, baking season is finally here. On the East Coast, you can feel the temperature change and see the long-sleeved clothing come out of the closets. You can almost feel the diets begin to change.

Happy Harvest!

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