Wrap Recipes For An On-The-Road Snack

The other day I was thinking about something different to serve my kids for breakfast and I found some great ideas on TreeHugger.com. Instead of cereal or the occasional pancake, I found some great wrap recipes that also include fruits and nuts to start the day off right. (Also great to start your day are smoothies, read more here)

TreeHugger.com has the right idea. The article points out that by just throwing fruit and some protein in a whole-wheat tortilla (or whatever flatbread you like) and folding it up into a sandwich, you have a quick healthy meal that can be enjoyed at the table, or on the go. With so many ingredient combinations to choose from, you probably can have a different wrap every week.

To begin with, spread the spreadable ingredient on the flatbread. This first ingredient usually serves as the protein, and then place your choice of fruit on top. Then, for some added texture, sprinkle nuts, granola, or seeds on top. You can eat the burrito-style, wrap recipes with ends folded in, whole, or cut and serve.

Some ideas for wrap recipes:

1. Apples, almond butter, raisins, and cinnamon:

The raisins add their chewy texture to the crunch of the fresh apples. So you could use any dried fruit here as well.

2. Berries, Greek yogurt, and granola

Adding a handful of granola gives this combination a healthy crunch.

3. Banana, peanut butter, and honey:

Bananas are great. But if you’re not a big fan, apples or pears are a good substitute. If you are allergic to peanuts, you can switch to sunflower butter.

4. Mango, cream cheese, avocado, and lime:

Avocado is a wonderful breakfast ingredient and pairs well with other fruits. So with the healthy fats of the avocado, you don’t need very much cream cheese, or you can go without it. Then add some sunflower seeds, and you’re good to go.

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